CHEYENNE, Wyoming – JB Engineers is proud to announce the opening of a second office location in Casper, WY. With offices now in Cheyenne and Casper, this move enhances the company’s commitment to serving customers across Wyoming, western Nebraska, and northern Colorado.
“Expanding to the Casper market allows us to easily serve clients across all of Wyoming and surrounding areas” said Jared Jung, senior engineer, and company CEO. “We look forward to growing our roots in the Cowboy State.”
Headquartered in in Cheyenne, JB Engineers provides a broad range of geotechnical engineering services and subsurface exploration, along with soil, concrete and asphalt testing. Through assessment of subsurface conditions and application of sound geotechnical engineering expertise principles, the firm provides clients practical and cost-effective solutions.
“We have the most sophisticated lab in Wyoming and will offer solutions that are competitively priced with customer service prioritized,” said Jung.
JB Engineers is a family business devoted to providing quality professional engineering and testing services for consulting engineering firms, architects, contractors, planners, developers, and the engineering staffs of industries and government agencies. JB Engineers features an accredited lab, integrated technology, quick reporting, and a client-focused, relationship-driven approach. Founded on the principles of service, integrity and excellence, JB Engineers provides quality support services to design professionals involved in various construction, rehabilitation and remediation projects.
The new office is located at 341 E. “E” Street in Casper, WY, 82601. To learn more about the company and services offered, visit or find us on Facebook or LinkedIn.
Every fall as the leaves start to turn color and the temperatures begin to cool, we are reminded of our company anniversary. This year was a big one – our 1st birthday! From brainstorming at the local Korean restaurant with my brothers to launching a start-up business in the middle of a global pandemic a mere 6 months later, October 1st will always hold a special place in the Jung Bros. collective hearts.
For me personally, October 1st is a HUGE day! My son, Ivan also celebrates this date as his birthday. While we celebrated one year servicing Cheyenne and Wyoming and the greater Rocky Mountain region, he was turning seven. Big boy now! And we want to be a big boy company!
As we recollect our work in the last year, still a fledgling company finding our way, nailing down policies and procedures, and striving to stabilize our work force and working capital, we can share some major successes on this one year milestone:
We made it! Tons of companies fail before they reach their first year
We’re beating financial projections. The demand for services that we provide is clearly there and relationships we’ve forged and the way we conduct business is valued in this community. Thank you!!
By sticking to our Core Values, we create business relationships that will last and bring repeat customers. We’ve seen clients hungry for new options in the Geotechnical Engineering and Construction Materials Testing space
Wyoming is a special place to do business. It’s clear that we made the right choice by picking Wyoming as our Headquarters
We’re launching a second office in Casper, WY. This will broaden our geographic reach and allow us to reach markets easier in northern Wyoming
Recognizing success is one thing, but we also learned, and failed and had missteps along the way. We know, however, that it’s going to take a lot more work to keep the “Monster Fed” as our accountant likes to remark in regards to keeping working capital in the business as we grow.
We have to keep our heads up, utilize that Wyoming grit to push through the difficult times and failures. We have to keep that entrepreneurial spirit alive every day. It’s not easy to own your own business, but extremely rewarding. Like when we were able to take our team out to a local steakhouse to celebrate our devoted employees for their investment into our collective success. I want to personally thank them… YOU are the reason we made it!
And a few words from our Chief Jung Bro, Jared:
“It is exciting to celebrate one year in business! To create a culture at JB Engineers based on hard work and safety is extremely rewarding. It has been a pleasure watching the staff grow professionally over the last year, as we wouldn’t have made it this far without the hard work of all of our employees”
I close with a quote from my hero:
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
Theodore Roosevelt
We look forward to celebrating again next year and all the opportunities that lie in front of us. JB Engineers is a worthy cause to dare greatly for!
JB Engineers celebrating at Little Bear Inn Steakhouse
JB Engineers recently joined the Wyoming Airports Coalition (WAC). The coalition has represented the interests of Wyoming’s airports and airport operators to commercial, state and federal agencies since 1976.
Wyoming aviation is important to us! Adam is a professional pilot, and Jared has been an engineer in this industry for over 20 years and can say without a doubt that the highlight of his career has been working with great airport teams to better America’s transportation infrastructure. He has played a role in over 50 airport construction projects in the Rocky Mountain Region. It is exciting for all of us to be a part of something that is so important to our communities and country.
WAC gives JB Engineers a place to exchange ideas and best practices. We can connect with other members, keep up with the latest news and legislation, and get priority registration and sponsorships at future conferences. And our number one core value is Safety and WAC ensures safety in the development of airport facilities and in the implementation of operating procedures. They’ve played a key role in influencing positive outcomes on a number of issues affecting airports throughout the state. JB Engineers can get on board with that!
We look forward to attending the annual conference in Casper, WY on September 8-10, 2021. Connect with us there! For more information on WAC, please visit their website at
Before the three Jung Bros. set out on our entrepreneurial dream to own our own company, we knew we had to put the work in to define our company Mission, Vision and Core Values. These principals would define the type of organization we wanted to be and help guide our decision-making. They would help us hire the right people, while unifying our team and holding us all to higher standards.
We knew the JBE leadership team Must Be:
Committed to drafting and implementing values
Willing to brainstorm and compromise
Able to demonstrate the determined traits themselves
Agree that these will be the foundation for the team going forward
After hours of meetings and months of deliberations and editing, we were able to define who we were before we conducted our first slump test or proctor. Here they are:
Mission Statement Our mission is to exceed client expectations by providing safe, quality geotechnical, materials, and environmental engineering solutions, while bettering our community and environment always operating with unquestioned integrity.
Vision Statement Our vision is to provide the best service to our clients while safely promoting personal, professional, and community growth.
Core Values
Safety is #1
Quality…Excellent Product with Value
Helping others…People and our Community
Let us know how we can help you today. Contact us here.
We are excited to announce that our laboratory has received AASHTO Accreditation for R18, C1077 (Aggregate), D3666 (Aggregate/Asphalt), E329 (Aggregate/Asphalt), and D3740 (Soil)! It was a productive and successful review and we’re absolutely thrilled with this designation.
The primary vision of AASHTO is to be the center for promoting quality and achievement of excellence in construction materials testing (CMT). They provide services and tools through our three major programs: the Laboratory Assessment Program (LAP), the Proficiency Sample Program (PSP), and the AASHTO Accreditation Program (AAP). Through these activities, they evaluate testing competency, promote continual improvement, and instill confidence in the laboratories and specifiers that use our programs.
Look us up for any Geotech or Construction Materials Testing needs today!
Last week, we had the chance to host our official Open House and Ribbon Cutting at JB Engineers HQ in Cheyenne, WY. In partnership with the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce and the local Cheyenne area business community, the team showcased our accredited Materials Testing Laboratory and Geotechnical Engineering capabilities.
As your trusted partner, we wanted to invite the community into our house to show you who are and how we operate. The level of support and turnout at the event was simply awesome. We even got to cut the red ribbon with giant scissors… a symbolic launch of a Wyoming company!
We teamed with Chef Kent at Fuel Café to highlight fun earthwork-themed foods, including an amazing engineering charcuterie board complete with graham cracker sand and dirt brownies! It was a great way to meet leaders in the Cheyenne community and show the community what we do. Thank you for all who attended and we look forward to doing business with you in the future!
Contact us for construction materials testing and geotechnical engineering services that make a difference in Wyoming, Nebraska, and Colorado.